Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 15 - 19, 2008

This should prove to be a very exciting week at school. On Tuesday, several parents are coming to help us with a class project that will be displayed in the hallway. We will be painting and cutting. This is the first time we have painted at school this year. We will also have a guest reader for our read aloud after lunch, Mr. Pinkham. Then on Wednesday, we will have a guest speaker from the Montgomery Humane Society. The speaker will be discussing Bite Prevention and Animal Safety. This should prove to be a busy and fun week!

I hope that you are reading with your child every night. I want them to be able to take AR tests as often as possible. I am hoping that some of us are able to take a test 3-4 times a week. We are moving right along in our ReadWell units. Everyone is progressing quite well, and I am happy with the progress that we have made thus far. Please make sure to do Homework 4 BEFORE reading everynight. This will help with reading the passages. Please repeat all 3 readings on Thursday nights. ReadWell homework is due on Friday. I will be returning earlier ReadWell homework for repeated readings. Re-reading not only helps increase fluency and comprehension, it is also motivating for the children.

We started Chapter 5 in Math this week. We should finish and then move into Subtraction, Chapter 3. I know this seems strange to skip around like this...but we will be moving straight through the book from this point forward. We will continue and finish Chapter 5 this week. I expect to possibly give that test on Friday or Monday. Keep an eye out for homework this week.

In Grammer, we are continuing the phonogram journals. Those should be coming home every night. Please make sure your student knows that the beginning of the sentence needs to be capitalized and the end of the sentence has a period. We have not gotten into questions and exclamations at this point. Those should appear in about a week or so. Students also need to attempt to find as many phonograms as possible in the sentences. I choose sentences that I used during the week and the students have to correct those, so the journal is a good way to study. This week's phonograms are ir, ur, wor, ear.

Check out the slide show on the blog site. It has photos from the first day of school, popcicle party, Arboretum, and I will continue to add to the pictures throughout the year.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great week!

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