Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 30th - April 3rd, 2009

Hope everyone is doing good. Here's a quick update, I may add more later this week.

This week our schedule will be interrupted because of SAT testing in 3rd-6th grades. Our morning schedule will be frozen and Mrs. Turk will come to our room around 9:10 to have PE with the class. AR testing will be down due to the library being off limits during testing time.

Our whole group sound is V as in volcano. We are still covering money, identifying coins, their value and adding mixed amounts of money. We are only introducing this skill. There will not be a test for this chapter.Please look over the words below. They will certainly help with Friday's grade. It is also a part of their report card this semester.

small, her, my, yard, glad, no, sleep, there, you, your

They went into my room.

Our Easter Egg hunt is scheduled for April 7th. If you would like to volunteer to hide eggs that morning, please let me know. I have one parent already. Please make sure that you have your child's eggs at school on FRIDAY, APRIL 3RD!!! I know we are just walking across the road for the hunt, but I do need the permission slip to be returned...if I don't get one back, your child will not get to participate in the Easter Egg Hunt! Please do not send chocolate candy in the eggs...it melts!

April 10th is the Weather Day Holiday...don't forget!

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email me! Have a great week!

Ms. Messick

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