Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 20th - 24th

This year is flying by! Wow, we are at week 11. AMAZING!

This week in whole group reading we will be discussing H as in Hippo. So, I am sure that our Hobie the Hippo will be on the student's mind a lot this week. Please make sure that you are reading EVERY NIGHT with your student, especially ReadWell homework. I am required to check reading homework at least 3 times a 9 weeks. There will not be a note sent home stating that I will be checking reading homework any certain week. If you are doing the homework it will show during reading group as well as during homework check. I realize that football and fall ball are in full swing, but we should not be neglecting homework for these things. Please make sure that you are keeping up with your homework.

Let me know if you want to come read to the class, you may bring your own books or I can provide a book for you. Next week we will cover C as in Cat, then R as in Rabbit. I think the students would enjoy having someone different than me reading to them all the time.

Thank you to the parents that went to Charlotte's Web with us. Sorry to those of you that wanted to go, but could not due to seating availability. Hopefully, there will be openings in future field trip or other first grade outings. The play was FABULOUS! We really enjoyed the whole experience. We had a great time reading the book, watching the movie, seeing the play, and making our own pig shape books. Hope you enjoyed hearing about it and seeing the shape books.

Monday afternoon be on the look out for a set of flashcards for math. I quizzed the students using flashcards last week and most everyone needs to learn the addition facts for 2. So, I made the cards and will send them home on Monday. Please use them, this week's math drill will be on the addition facts for 2, mostly.

Have a wonderful week and find some time to get out and enjoy the wonderful Fall weather.

Ms. Messick

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